German Dictionary

Translation of duschen

duschen to shower    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Das Badezimmer war nass nachdem die ganze Familie geduscht hatte.

The bathroom was wet after the entire family took showers.
Nach der Gartenarbeit war sie verschwitzt und beschloss, zu duschen. She got sweaty working in the garden and decided to take a shower.
Unser Boiler ist kaputt, und ich hasse kalte Duschen. Our boiler is broken, and I hate cold showers.

This behavior is totally normal for this kind of traffic volume. To increase efficiency they could increase the gateway to five. Once you send the traffic, I will ask my boss to test it on both.
She found it very unromantic that a man would not declare friendship to a woman. Anyway, after an hour or so they got off at a town called Chetumal which was on the border with Belize, where they lived.
Luckily for him, his wife stood by him and explained that he was clumsy and that would happen to him all the time. Anyway, it none of our business. We all had dinner afterwards and went to sleep.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of duschen
dusche  duschst  duscht  duschen  duscht  duschen  duschte  duschtest  duschte  duschten  duschtet  duschten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of shower   [ showered, showered ]