German Dictionary

Translation of shower in German

to shower     duschen
the shower      die Dusche 
the shower     der Schauer; die Brause; die Dusche
the shower     der Regenschauer; die Dusche

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Our boiler is broken, and I hate cold showers.

Unser Boiler ist kaputt, und ich hasse kalte Duschen.
The doorbell rang when I was in the shower. Es klingelte als ich unter der Dusche stand.
She got sweaty working in the garden and decided to take a shower. Nach der Gartenarbeit war sie verschwitzt und beschloss, zu duschen.
to take a shower; take a shower duschen
take a shower; have a shower duschen
the shower(s) die Dusche, Duschen
to have a shower (sich)duschen
to have/take a shower duschen
to take/have a shower duschen
rain shower der Regenschauer
shower Regenschauer, Dusche
light shower leichter Regen

Once inside, not waiting in line, and not paying, our new friend took us to the VIP balcony. Our old friends did not understand how we organized all this so quickly and neither did we (to be honest).
Yes I think that's fine. I read your messages in German but i only understand them, answering in German is to difficult for me at the stage. Maybe after we practice for a while, I will be able to.
After an hour flight and 1000km further south, we landed in Calama. It was already 9pm and it was already dark. We still weren't at our final destination, but much much closer. We took a cab again to the city center.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of shower   [ showered, showered ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of duschen
dusche  duschst  duscht  duschen  duscht  duschen  duschte  duschtest  duschte  duschten  duschtet  duschten