German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Wir spazierten die alte Landebahn entlang, bis wir ein interessantes Gebäude entdeckten. |
We strolled along the old runway until we discovered an interesting building. |
Ich joggte während der heißen Mittagsstunden am Fluss entlang und genoss die leichte Brise. | Jogging along the river during the hot noon hours, I enjoyed the light breeze. |
Jeden Morgen rannte er am Fluss entlang. | Every morning, he ran alongside the river. |
die Straße entlang gehen | to go down |
entlang; weiter; vorwärts | along |
sich entlang schieben | to edge along |

I need to write you one more sentence. This is what my teacher told me and the German language is so difficult. So please, as a last favor, would you please write the sentence for me in German?
It seemed like a very cute settlement and a great place to stay in for a night or two and I hoped that they would have rooms. However, since I wasn't sure I decided to carry my backpack with me.
That was a funny coincidence and she told me about some good parties on the island. I went to one these parties which was actually located in an open air bar. There were few people but everyone connected.
It seemed like a very cute settlement and a great place to stay in for a night or two and I hoped that they would have rooms. However, since I wasn't sure I decided to carry my backpack with me.
That was a funny coincidence and she told me about some good parties on the island. I went to one these parties which was actually located in an open air bar. There were few people but everyone connected.
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