German Dictionary

Translation of erfüllen

erfüllen  accomplish     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Der Tenor schaffte es, mit solch Lautstärke zu singen, dass das gesamte Stadium von seiner Stimme erfüllt war.

The tenor managed to sing with such volume that the entire stadium was filled with his voice.
Dieser Router erfüllt nicht die Anforderungen der Qualitätskontrolle. This router does not meet the quality control's requirements.
Tom war nicht sicher, ob seine Fähigkeiten ihre strengen Anforderungen erfüllen würden. Tim was not sure his skill would satisfy their strict requirements.
Bedürfnisse entsprechen; Bedürfnisse erfüllen meet needs; satisfy needs
Bedarf decken; Bedürfnisse erfüllen fulfill needs(1)
eine Verpflichtung erfüllen fulfil an obligation

Please send me also some information about the conference that you are organizing. If you want material in electronic format, you can have a look at our website at: . Enjoy it!
That is how he forces her into deciding between him and the baby. There is no escape from this dilema. The train that was supposed to arrive did not come yet and it does not look like it will come.
We returned before dusk, as we were afraid of not finding our ship in the dark. Once on the ship we decided to go for night swimming again in the open ocean. A few women on little boats approached us.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of erfüllen
erfülle  erfüllst  erfüllt  erfüllen  erfüllt  erfüllen  erfüllte  erfülltest  erfüllte  erfüllten  erfülltet  erfüllten