German Dictionary

Translation of Rede

die Rede  the speech     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Die Patrouille entdeckte die Erhöhung, von der in den Anweisungen die Rede war.

The patrol spotted the elevation mentioned in the instructions.
Die Rede enthielt mehrere clevere rhetorische Wendungen. The speech contained several clever rhetorical twists.
Der Vorsitzende bedankte sich bei Maria in seiner Rede. The chairman thanked Maria in his speech.
eine Rede halten; eine Ansprache halten to deliver a speech; to deliver an address
öffentliche Rede public speaking
Referat, Rede, Gespräch talk
liefern,(Rede) halten to deliver
Rede; Ansprache; Adresse address
liefern; Rede halten to deliver
Ausdruck; (Rede-)Wendung phrase
indirekte Rede reported speech
Vortrag; Referat; Rede talk

They played a lot of music (very old fashioned music) and sold apples, cookies, cakes and many drinks. Having enjoyed the apple festival we went for a walk outside the village, meaning the woods.
Let me summarize our meeting from Sunday, please give me feedback if something is unclear. I will send you the study material, including lessons and vocabulary lists to ensure the accuracy of training.
The second day we visited the bird and the fish market, some large shopping malls and dedicated the entire day with shopping clothes and strolling around. I found a nice jacket, which I am still wearing.
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