German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Er entwarf eine besondere Armbanduhr zur Erinnerung an seinen Lehrer. |
He designed a special wrist watch to commemorate his teacher. |
Der harmlose Span rief in ihm Erinnerungen an Granatsplitter hervor. | The harmless chip stirred memories of shrapnel in him. |
Schildkröten werden sehr alt. Schade, dass sie nicht reden und Ihre Erinnerungen mit uns teilen können. | Turtles become very old. Too bad they cannot speak and share their memories with us. |
Thanks a lot. Today and tomorrow are holidays in Switzerland, but I'll do it Tuesday first thing in the morning...please have a look at it and confirm. Where do you want me to place a reference?
It is an abandoned place in the middle of Spain, in the middle of nowhere. The station is located near a junction where the ways of the trains split. Both are split as well, in their minds.
On the next day we took the tour to see the Peninsula. The tour itself was very boring and the guide had really not much to say that would interest me. The area was barren and completely flat.
It is an abandoned place in the middle of Spain, in the middle of nowhere. The station is located near a junction where the ways of the trains split. Both are split as well, in their minds.
On the next day we took the tour to see the Peninsula. The tour itself was very boring and the guide had really not much to say that would interest me. The area was barren and completely flat.