German Dictionary

Translation of erklingen

erklingen to sound    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Als der Tsunamialarm erklang, ergriffen die Konzertbesucher panisch die Flucht.

When the tsunami alarm sounded, a stampede broke out at the concert.

A bystander who watched the entire scene all the time decided to help me. He was an older man, around seventy, but nonetheless he went to the oldest of these kids and slapped him. The boy was sixteen.
That is how he forces her into deciding between him and the baby. There is no escape from this dilema. The train that was supposed to arrive did not come yet and it does not look like it will come.
At the bottom a Jeep waited for us and it was only a fifteen minute drive uphill to get back to the village. We explored the village and went to have a coffee at some nice place around the center.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of erklingen
erklinge  erklingst  erklingt  erklingen  erklingt  erklingen  erklang  erklangst  erklang  erklangen  erklangt  erklangen     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of sound   [ sounded, sounded ]