German Dictionary

Translation of erschrecken

erschrecken to frighten    ; to scare    
erschrecken to startle    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Wir bauten eine Attrappe, die wie Karl aussah, um die Hunde zu erschrecken.

We built a dummy that looked like Karl to scare the dogs.
Das plötzliche Flügelschlagen der Ente erschreckte den Fischer. The sudden flapping of the duck's wings startled the fisherman.
Erschrecken; Entsetzen; Bestürzung dismay
ängstlich,erschrecken to frighten(1)
erschrecken to be startled; get a shock

A bystander who watched the entire scene all the time decided to help me. He was an older man, around seventy, but nonetheless he went to the oldest of these kids and slapped him. The boy was sixteen.
Today, during the peace process it is very difficult for both parties to suppress their feelings since the recollection of what occured in the last decades are strongly rootes in their minds.
There were heaps of people in this area and we really had to struggle to get through the crowds. We drank a few beers and a couple glasses of wine and being totally tipsy Lili decided she needed to return.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of erschrecken
[bin erschrocken]
erschrecke  erschrickst  erschrickt  erschrecken  erschreckt  erschrecken  erschrak  erschrakst  erschrak  erschraken  erschrakt  erschraken     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of frighten   [ frightened, frightened ]
Conjugation of scare   [ scared, scared ]