German Dictionary

Translation of erschwingen

erschwingen to afford    

Translation by Vocabulix


erschwingen, leisten to afford

I found the idea of having two health care systems disgusting. We entered the rooms of the local hospital and the images there were horrifying. I don't know why he took me there until this day.
It's like a fairytale. Many green areas, play grounds and many children playing on the streets and a gold court at the end of my street. I've found a great partner from Greece to play with at the weekends.
By the way, after my horrible experience I had changed the hostel. The place was not really better but much more quiet and near the Ocean. I woke up with the sound of a siren. It was the police.
Lately viewed by others: erbittert    energisch    einschätzen    einatmen    dumpf    dichterisch    darstellbar    braunäugig    bewölkt    beschäftigt   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of erschwingen
erschwinge  erschwingst  erschwingt  erschwingen  erschwingt  erschwingen  erschwingte  erschwingtest  erschwingte  erschwingten  erschwingtet  erschwingten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of afford   [ afforded, afforded ]