German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Manche Freiberufler müssen jedes Jobangebot annehmen, das sie bekommen. |
Some freelancers have to take every job offer they can get. |

I have studied French for many hours per week, and I've even lived in Geneva for a while... my French was good than. Today, I have forgotten most of it. I have to re-learn and Vocabulix can help.
Just last week a friend of mine showed me how to do these special effect, so I was focused about this word. I have been sleeping five hours a night for a week now and I am pretty tired all the time. Hopefully recovery will come soon.
So you are getting used to write in Spanish. But I think you should not worry, as your Spanish is good and you understand everything. You'll enjoy it a lot, once you meet new people who speak it.
Just last week a friend of mine showed me how to do these special effect, so I was focused about this word. I have been sleeping five hours a night for a week now and I am pretty tired all the time. Hopefully recovery will come soon.
So you are getting used to write in Spanish. But I think you should not worry, as your Spanish is good and you understand everything. You'll enjoy it a lot, once you meet new people who speak it.
Most common translations: