German Dictionary

Last year, many parties did not receive votes anymore and had to go to the opposition. The entire area is governed today by leftist parties and the center block is weakenng constantly during the last year.
I can send them by mail or bring them in person. I'll be happy to join the trial and help you. The download of the language files may take 30 seconds and the screen is blank during that time.
Also, I must say, that if you do not like our vocabulary lessons, you could create your own vocabulary lessons and share these lessons with students. You can use the platform for free with your own lessons!!!
I can send them by mail or bring them in person. I'll be happy to join the trial and help you. The download of the language files may take 30 seconds and the screen is blank during that time.
Also, I must say, that if you do not like our vocabulary lessons, you could create your own vocabulary lessons and share these lessons with students. You can use the platform for free with your own lessons!!!
Most common translations: