German Dictionary

Translation of Gasthaus

das Gasthaus the inn    ; the guest-house    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Das Gasthaus servierte zum Abendessen ein hervorragendes Tintenfischgericht.

The inn served a wonderful dish made with cuttlefish for dinner.
Gasthaus, Schenke taberna

Grammar exercises give the teachers and the students different ideas. We discussed the need for exercises in my previous email, but unfortunately I did not receive any further feedback since then.
In order to quickly become successful, one would have to change certain points, at least in my opinion: After 5 months of learning, I have still not found the grammar practice on which I should concentrate.
I am back in Switzerland, and the weather makes me crazy. Shall I write you on Vocabulix or to your regular email address? I have been working 20 years as an employee for a German company.
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