German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Hat es je einen großartigeren Geburtstagskuchen gegeben als diese Aprikosentorte? |
Has there ever been a greater birthday cake than this apricot torte? |
Geburtstagskuchen | birthday cake |

The change would be easy technically speaking and your feedback is very important to me. By the way, do you want me to help you with the website or take another freelancer. I left Cuba, Bolivia, and Peru.
As mentioned in our conversation, I will send a more detailed description about all the other exercises. As indicated previously, I believe in your technical skills and in your talent.
My family and I live in Frankfurt. I love South American literature, Jewish music, winter sports, and of course the time with my family. What do you do in your spare time? Reading Spanish books too?
As mentioned in our conversation, I will send a more detailed description about all the other exercises. As indicated previously, I believe in your technical skills and in your talent.
My family and I live in Frankfurt. I love South American literature, Jewish music, winter sports, and of course the time with my family. What do you do in your spare time? Reading Spanish books too?
Most common translations: