German Dictionary

Translation of Gesamtbetrag

der Gesamtbetrag the total amount

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Die Rückzahlung des Gesamtbetrags wird in 12 monatlichen Raten erfolgen.

Payback of the total amount will be done in 12 monthly installments.
Endsumme; Summe; Gesamtbetrag total
gesamtbetrag, summe total
summe,gesamtbetrag total
gesamtbetrag total

Writing autobiography in another language has some advantanges. You do not have to think to much about the story and you can concentrate on the foreign language. Spanish is very suitable for that.
The woman has to decide if she wants to carry the baby or to have an abortion. She is a victim of her own situation, suffering restlessly and thinking continuously about her unwanted pregnancy.
We spent the entire day doing nothing, just waiting for the night train which would take us into the northern mountain area of Vietnam, close to the Chinese border. The train left at around ten.
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