German Dictionary

Translation of gratulieren

gratulieren  to congratulate     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Bravo - wir gratulieren Dir zu der tollen Leistung bei dem Theaterstück.

Bravo - we congratulate you for your fabulous performance in the play.
Der Präsident gratulierte der ersten Kongressabgeordneten in der Geschichte Frankreichs. The president congratulated the first congresswoman in the history of France.
jemandem gratulieren zu congratulate someone on
gratulieren zu to congratulate on(1)
gratulieren congratulate (v)

Her students are using the software and learning with the website afterwards on a regular basis. She is very satisfied and she was kind and gave me your number, as she thought that it may interest you.
They are actually lovely hills and do not look threatening at all. That shows us that she actually loves her pregnancy and does not know what to do about it. One can really pitty this woman.
The door of the car was still open, so that he could not drive away. Luckily, two foreigners walked by and we were asking them to help us out. They payed for us and warned us that these situations were common.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of gratulieren
gratuliere  gratulierst  gratuliert  gratulieren  gratuliert  gratulieren  gratulierte  gratuliertest  gratulierte  gratulierten  gratuliertet  gratulierten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of congratulate   [ congratulated, congratulated ]