German Dictionary

Translation of Halbjahr

das Halbjahr the half year

Translation by Vocabulix


I will be visiting in Italy from April 10 to 15 in order to meet some old friends. I'd like you to attend a one-day course, maybe I can help you in learning something new. Please give it a try.
Thanks a lot. My wife, daughter and I came back with a flu from the Swiss mountains, but now we are getting better. How are you? 'Vos' is only used in antique Spanish as 'usted', in the singular form of course.
It would be great if we could continue to email, write or chat? I'm looking forward to hear from you again soon! Please write your sentences in Spanish first, and then in German.
Most common translations: Größe    Grabmal    Gitarre    Geschäftsführer    Generalsekretär    Gegenwart    Gastgeber    Fänger    Frische    Format