German Dictionary

Translation of harren

harren to await    

Translation by Vocabulix


I hope that it is clear. You may need to press the regional button next to each input field. Then the control panel will open, there you must choose a checkbox. The value will be added to the text. The active input field is marked in green.
I was born in Lima and for 14 years I have been living near Frankfurt. I am divorced and I have a little girl and an older son from my first marriage. My son is already in kindergarten.
The prices for one ticket for category number 2, in row number 15 is what I have told you on the phone (about $ 500 per ticket). Tickets are in block D5, with balcony, all tickets are side by side.
Most common translations: glühen    geschwind    geistiges Eigentum    fühlbar    forte    fern    etliche    ermutigen    entsorgen    elegant   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of await   [ awaited, awaited ]