German Dictionary
German | English |
schauen, blicken; suchen; hinsehen | look; look; look |
bei genauerem Hinsehen | closer look |
I hope that it is clear. You may need to press the regional button next to each input field. Then the control panel will open, there you must choose a checkbox. The value will be added to the text. The active input field is marked in green.
Are you currently buried in a lot of work? I am not, because the financial crisis has put me back on hold. I do not work, so I have time for going out in the evening and being online.
I've chosen a subject but for now I take a lot of art and language courses. Thank you for your tips! They helped me a lot. My uncle is a music teacher, but my father studied economics.
Are you currently buried in a lot of work? I am not, because the financial crisis has put me back on hold. I do not work, so I have time for going out in the evening and being online.
I've chosen a subject but for now I take a lot of art and language courses. Thank you for your tips! They helped me a lot. My uncle is a music teacher, but my father studied economics.
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