German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: In der Hoffnung, Drogen zu finden, öffnete die Polizistin die Motorhaube. |
Hoping to find drugs, the policewoman opened the hood. |
Wir gaben der Färse Heu in der Hoffnung, dass sie bald stärker werden würde. | We fed the heifer hay hoping she would get stronger soon. |
"Mary," sagte er, "Du bist ein Leuchtfeuer der Hoffnung in meinem hoffnungslosen Leben!" | "Mary", he said, "You are a beacon of hope in my hopeless life." |

Hi Christin, how are you? I am on vacation right now, but you can call me if there are any problems. I am planning to meet my students in the end of next week. I will deliver the message anyway.
It is an abandoned place in the middle of Spain, in the middle of nowhere. The station is located near a junction where the ways of the trains split. Both are split as well, in their minds.
We checked in, took a refreshing hot shower and were really happy about our accommodation. As it was late, we took another ride to some restaurant. When we payed the driver he told us that he had no change.
It is an abandoned place in the middle of Spain, in the middle of nowhere. The station is located near a junction where the ways of the trains split. Both are split as well, in their minds.
We checked in, took a refreshing hot shower and were really happy about our accommodation. As it was late, we took another ride to some restaurant. When we payed the driver he told us that he had no change.
English Verbs | ||||
Conjugation of hope [ hoped, hoped ] |