German Dictionary

Translation of hope in German

to hope     I hope that you are well. hoffen Ich hoffe, dass es Dir gut geht.
the hope      die Hoffnung 

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Afterwards, we smoked a Hope Regular and watched "Dexter".

Danach rauchten wir eine Hope Regular und sahen uns "Dexter" an.
"Mary", he said, "You are a beacon of hope in my hopeless life." "Mary," sagte er, "Du bist ein Leuchtfeuer der Hoffnung in meinem hoffnungslosen Leben!"
I hope the drier will dry my karate suit on time. Ich hoffe der Wäschetrockner trocknet meinen Karateanzug rechtzeitig.
foolish; idle (wish, hope) toericht
Rescue/Salvation/Hope Die Rettung
hope; (esperanza) die Hoffnung
ray of hope Hoffnungsschimmer
hope to come hoffen zu kommen
I hope that Ich hoffe daß
to hope for hoffen auf
I hope so ich hoffe es
hope; (esperar) hoffen

I'm looking to move to Spain in the summer and hoping to visit my friend in Barcelona before then so I was hoping to have the basics done by then. I've always wanted to learn another language, but we are not pushed enough in the US.
thanks for the compliment! Can you understand me when I write in English? Spanish sounds so beautiful when spoken. I would really like to be able to speak Spanish fluently, since I am planning a trip to Peru.
Fortunately and against all odds there were seats available so that we changed our booking to the same day. Our destination was El Calafate in the South of Patagonia in order to see the glaciers.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of hope   [ hoped, hoped ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of hoffen
hoffe  hoffst  hofft  hoffen  hofft  hoffen  hoffte  hofftest  hoffte  hofften  hofftet  hofften