German Dictionary

Translation of hoffen

hoffen Ich hoffe, dass es Dir gut geht. to hope     I hope that you are well.

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Jakob hoffte, dass sein Kollege ihm aushelfen würde solange er krank war.

Jacob hoped his colleague would help him out while he was ill.
Er verlor den Fall aber hoffte auf eine Berufung. He lost the case but hoped for an appeal.
Ich hoffe der Wäschetrockner trocknet meinen Karateanzug rechtzeitig. I hope the drier will dry my karate suit on time.

The human is capable of recognition of the world with its ingredients. Frost presents us with a poem in which everything is white and bright. The picture he gives us seems to be very peaceful.
Whatever you decide is fine for me. We arrived in the USA. I remember you telling me that you are working with Holiday Inn. Is there any way that we could get the discount price directly from the hotel?
In the evening we drove up to the Victoria peak and hiked on the trails around the main view point. The view in the late afternoon was spectacular and after sunset, with all the lights it was breathtaking.
Most common translations: froh    eine    bezahlt    auch nicht    Zelt    Wagen    Türkei    Tafel    Speisekarte    Schulfach   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of hoffen
hoffe  hoffst  hofft  hoffen  hofft  hoffen  hoffte  hofftest  hoffte  hofften  hofftet  hofften     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of hope   [ hoped, hoped ]