German Dictionary

Translation of Holzkiste

die Holzkiste the wood box

Translation by Vocabulix


Holzkiste; Verschlag; Steige crate
Holzkiste wooden case
Holzkiste crate

That was really cool. I flew from Koppenhagen to Thailand and did not know until take off where I wanted to go from Bangkok. We left Germany after midnight. I was really excited to go to a new place.
Maybe we would need to say install our dictionary as a software? But I would say instead of install, use our dictionary as a software. So bottom line. If I use the singular form for newsletters and websites, I am on the safe side for both?
I hope that we can teach each other a few things. I work as a nurse here in Boston, and it gives me a lot of joy and comfort because I like to help other people. It is a job that takes a lot of effort.
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