German Dictionary
I counted the bills and saw that ten thousand Lire were still missing. The old man return to the children, grabbed the oldest one for a second time and hit him again. A minute later he came back with the missing.
My web designer found a bug and fixed it. Please ignore the last email. There seems to be a misunderstanding: When a user clicks on the Demo button, our cookie will automatically be set. That's it.
We returned before dusk, as we were afraid of not finding our ship in the dark. Once on the ship we decided to go for night swimming again in the open ocean. A few women on little boats approached us.
My web designer found a bug and fixed it. Please ignore the last email. There seems to be a misunderstanding: When a user clicks on the Demo button, our cookie will automatically be set. That's it.
We returned before dusk, as we were afraid of not finding our ship in the dark. Once on the ship we decided to go for night swimming again in the open ocean. A few women on little boats approached us.
Most common translations:
geschweifte Klammer