German Dictionary

Translation of humanitär

humanitär humanitarian    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Als endlich humanitäre Hilfe eintraf waren viele Kinder bereits verhungert.

By the time humanitarian aid arrived a lot of children had already starved to death.
humanitär humanitarian

Now I just got scared! Have I missed my own son's birthday? Luckily it is on the 19.08, exactly in a month. Man, you confused me now. Anyway, we had a great time in the mountains and the snow was great.
On the second day we drove around Los Angeles. We were totally jet lagged (and so were our kids) and we decided to take it easy on that day. We went to Rodeo Drive as well as Beverly Hills. Both our children slept during the entire afternoon.
But we learned only the general rules such as personal pronouns and articles, accents, some verbs and general vocabulary. I also love the sea and the sun, and the beautiful mountains too.
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