German Dictionary

Translation of Husten

husten to cough    
der Husten  the cough     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Eine Nelke blieb in seiner Luftröhre stecken, und er hustete heftig.

A clove got stuck in his windpipe, and he coughed violently.
Jedes Mal wenn Du hustest, werden Millionen von Bakterien in der Luft verbreitet. With every cough of yours millions of germs are being spread in the air.
husten cough (v); (toser)
der Husten cough (n); tos
Husten cough (ka:f)

After a wonderful mountain breakfast with a hot chocolate drink one can enjoy the view by looking outside the window and seeing the white landscape, high mountains and the sun reflected in the white powder.
For link partners who put our link on their main page, we insert the partner's 'logo' and info in the book on an entire page. let us know if you are interested in this option. Waiting for your answer.
I got to the southern tip of the island and visited the light house. I also remember to have visited some turtles or crocodiles nearby. I was not the only one who drove around the island by motorcycle.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of husten
huste  hustest  hustet  husten  hustet  husten  hustete  hustetest  hustete  husteten  hustetet  husteten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of cough   [ coughed, coughed ]