German Dictionary

Translation of cough in German

to cough     husten
the cough      der Husten 

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
With every cough of yours millions of germs are being spread in the air.

Jedes Mal wenn Du hustest, werden Millionen von Bakterien in der Luft verbreitet.
A clove got stuck in his windpipe, and he coughed violently. Eine Nelke blieb in seiner Luftröhre stecken, und er hustete heftig.
cough drops Halstabletten
cough (v); (toser) husten
cough (n); tos der Husten
cough (ka:f) Husten

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Fortunately and against all odds there were seats available so that we changed our booking to the same day. Our destination was El Calafate in the South of Patagonia in order to see the glaciers.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of cough   [ coughed, coughed ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of husten
huste  hustest  hustet  husten  hustet  husten  hustete  hustetest  hustete  husteten  hustetet  husteten