German Dictionary

Translation of ihn

ihn him    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Die Vaterschaft war für ihn als 16-jährigen eine schwierige Aufgabe.

Fatherhood was a tough task for him at 16.
Als ich ihn auf seine seltsame Frisur ansprach, war er ausweichend. When I asked him about his strange hair style, he was evasive.
Sie baggerten den Teich aus und füllten ihn mit Beton. They dredged the pond and filled it with concrete.
Niemand mag ihn. Nobody likes him.
mach ihn fertig finish him off
repariert es/ihn/sie repair it
ihn unterbrechen cut him off
bitte ihn herein ask him in
Schalte ihn ein. Turn it on.
ihm; ihn; sein his; him
Auf ihn! Go for him!
es, ihn, sie it

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How could I get better in Spanish if I had to eat by myself. Impossible. The next days we always ate together and sat around the table for hours discussing politics and the lives we were living.
We woke up around one hour before arriving and got off the train once it arrived at its destination. We checked in for our last night in the same hotel very early in the morning after having coffee of course.
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