German Dictionary

Translation of indem

indem as    ; by    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Er schmeichelte ihr, indem er über die Geometrie ihres Gesichtes sprach.

He flattered her, talking about the geometry of her face.
Unglaublicherweise entzückte der Hofnarr den König, indem er nicht einen Funken Respekt vor ihm zeigte. Incredibly, the jester charmed the king failing to show even an ounce of respect towards him.
Der Stier reagierte sofort auf das rote Stofftaschentuch, indem er darauf zu galoppierte. The bull immediately reacted to the red handkerchief galloping towards it.
während, indem, obwohl while
so, weil; als, da; indem as
indem ich bin by being
indem as; by; while
indem by...-ing*
indem depicting

I hope that it is clear. You may need to press the regional button next to each input field. Then the control panel will open, there you must choose a checkbox. The value will be added to the text. The active input field is marked in green.
I have always met nice people so far, and I have never had a strange friends request. So far I only had problems with my grammar in various foreign languages that I am trying to acquire.
Of course I understand the reasons. I live in Thun, which is not far from Bern, our capital city. How come your Spanish is so good? Have you ever been to Switzerland. You are most welcome.
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