German Dictionary

Translation of inhalieren

inhalieren to inhale    

Translation by Vocabulix


inhalieren, einatmen to inhale
inhalieren; einatmen to inhale

I hope that it is clear. You may need to press the regional button next to each input field. Then the control panel will open, there you must choose a checkbox. The value will be added to the text. The active input field is marked in green.
Now I'm drinking a beer with a colleague. We will shoot a film about the bar scene and the situation of young people here in Ibiza. There are also other aspects to live here, besides tourism.
Right now the weather in Italy is very good. We have 25 degrees and the sun is not too hot. I'm going to swim with my brother, the sea is not far away. Wish you also a happy holiday.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of inhale   [ inhaled, inhaled ]