German Dictionary

Translation of integrieren

integrieren to integrate    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Er empfahl, die Wiederverwertung von Pappe in unsere Mulchherstellung zu integrieren.

He recommended integrating the recycling of cardboard with our mulch production.
integrieren; einbeziehen to integrate

I counted the bills and saw that ten thousand Lire were still missing. The old man return to the children, grabbed the oldest one for a second time and hit him again. A minute later he came back with the missing.
They are not used to live together with other religions and cultures and they do not know how to coexist. In each region people assume things about others, but in some regions the hatred grows.
After a long sleep we ordered a cab which took us from the hotel to the airport. We were a little sad to leave. The flight over the South China Sea lasted two hours. We landed in Hong Kong's new airport.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of integrieren
integriere  integrierst  integriert  integrieren  integriert  integrieren  integrierte  integriertest  integrierte  integrierten  integriertet  integrierten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of integrate   [ integrated, integrated ]