German Dictionary

Translation of Jodeln

jodeln to yodel    
das Jodeln the yodeling    

Translation by Vocabulix


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This kind of struggle is a 'projecting the guilt' one someone innocent. It has always existed, even today there is a large movement against foreigners in Europe and its support is frightening me.
I went to the deck and except one staff member who slept there on the floor I was the only one. I installed my camera and waited for the light to arrive. I expected the images to be more spectacular.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of jodeln
jodle  jodelst  jodelt  jodeln  jodelt  jodeln  jodelte  jodeltest  jodelte  jodelten  jodeltet  jodelten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of yodel   [ yodeled, yodeled ]