German Dictionary

Translation of kanalisieren

kanalisieren to channel    ; to canalize    ; to canalise    

Translation by Vocabulix


As promised in our short conversation here a quick introduction about the entire process. We had great success in Richard Young's restaurant. I will call you on Monday. Meanwhile, happy new year!
I took my backpack and looked for a minibus that would take me a little outside of the town to a small settlement called El Panchan. I arrived there very early and no rooms were available yet.
We left at Kowloon, where we were looking for our place at night. It was difficult to find the address of the accommodation so we took a cab. We finally got to the YMCA, which cost around 200 dollars.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of kanalisieren
kanalisiere  kanalisierst  kanalisiert  kanalisieren  kanalisiert  kanalisieren  kanalisierte  kanalisiertest  kanalisierte  kanalisierten  kanalisiertet  kanalisierten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of channel   [ channeled, channeled ]