German Dictionary

Translation of channel in German

to channel     kanalisieren
the channel      der Kanal 

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
It annoyed Mira how Klaus kept zapping through the channels.

Es nervte Mira, dass Klaus immer weiter durch die Programme zappte.
This channel shows comedy all day long. Dieser Kanal zeigt den ganzen Tag lang Comedy.
At the end of the Olympic games all sport channels were broadcasting a review of all events. Am Ende der olympischen Spiele strahlten alle Sportsender einen Rückblick aller Ereignisse aus.
the English Channel der Ärmelkanal(1)
distribution channel Vertriebskanal
channel into convert, redirect into
the Channel Tunnel der Kanaltunnel
the Channel Tunnel der Eurotunnel
channel Kanal; TV, Radio empfang
Channel Tunnel kanaltunnel
channel Programm, Kanal
channel fernsehkanal

My family is doing well except for my youngest daughter. She is a little ill and needs to visit many doctors. She has had several infections lately, but nothing dangerous, so we are not too worried.
Nice to meet you. I am learning English but my English is very bad, we could exchange messages in Spanish. I have got all the chat applications on my laptop. Sorry again for writing with many mistakes.
I guess it is a very interesting book, but I did not entirely understand it. What did the author try to say, what message did he want to deliver? Do you want that I recommend another book?
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of channel   [ channeled, channeled ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of kanalisieren
kanalisiere  kanalisierst  kanalisiert  kanalisieren  kanalisiert  kanalisieren  kanalisierte  kanalisiertest  kanalisierte  kanalisierten  kanalisiertet  kanalisierten