German Dictionary
I hope that it is clear. You may need to press the regional button next to each input field. Then the control panel will open, there you must choose a checkbox. The value will be added to the text. The active input field is marked in green.
And in the end you still have not learned what you have wanted. I browse in online stores all day and come back empty-handed, or with items that I do not really need. Learn and think about it.
My family and I live in Frankfurt. I love South American literature, Jewish music, winter sports, and of course the time with my family. What do you do in your spare time? Reading Spanish books too?
And in the end you still have not learned what you have wanted. I browse in online stores all day and come back empty-handed, or with items that I do not really need. Learn and think about it.
My family and I live in Frankfurt. I love South American literature, Jewish music, winter sports, and of course the time with my family. What do you do in your spare time? Reading Spanish books too?
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