German Dictionary

Translation of kleben

kleben  to stick     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Der Verband klebte an der blutenden Wunde und ging nicht ab.

The bandage clung to the bleeding wound and wouldn't come off.
Wir werden einen reflektierenden Streifen auf die Seite des Wohnwagens kleben. We will stick a reflective tape along the side of the caravan.
Das Honigglas klebte von außen. The honey jar was sticky on the outside.

Thanks a lot. Let's meet. Where are you located? OK, do you want to meet there? Basically, June 4 and further would be good for me. But I am flexible. I never have too many things to do in the weekend.
She even compares the hills across the station with the belly of a pregnant woman by saying that they do look like white elephants. Maybe she thinks that way but I am not really sure about that.
We stayed there for a few hours observing the hugh ice blocks breaking off and falling into the icy waters leaving a water splash of over 100 meters. Each splash was followed by a dull thunder.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of kleben
klebe  klebst  klebt  kleben  klebt  kleben  klebte  klebtest  klebte  klebten  klebtet  klebten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of stick   [ stuck, stuck ]