German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Die Kombination von Flöte und Banjo klang zauberhaft. |
The combination of flute and banjo sounded magical. |
Die Kombination von Kamille und Kapern in der Soße war überraschend angenehm. | The combination of camomile and capers in the sauce was surprisingly good. |
Deutsche Volksmusik ist zumeist langweilig aber einprägsam - eine schwierige Kombination. | Traditional German music is usually boring but catchy - a tough combination. |
Spanish people are always saying, that you have to live the moment, you have to live now, since you do not know what is going to happen in the future. I think it is because many have troubles.
Now I needed to decide where to go next and I decided to use the information that the girl gave me. I went back into town to the central station and booked a night bus to a place called Palenque.
Our friendly hotel owner recommended a restaurant a outside of the center, so we walked about 20 minutes in the cold night together with the other couple. Were were the only people in that restaurant.
Now I needed to decide where to go next and I decided to use the information that the girl gave me. I went back into town to the central station and booked a night bus to a place called Palenque.
Our friendly hotel owner recommended a restaurant a outside of the center, so we walked about 20 minutes in the cold night together with the other couple. Were were the only people in that restaurant.
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