German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Das Krankenhaus war voll, und die Krankenschwestern waren überarbeitet. |
The infirmary was full, and the nurses were overworked. |
Sie verschrieben ihm ein Herzmittel und entließen ihn aus dem Krankenhaus. | They prescribed a cardiac and released him from the hospital. |
Er lag mit einem Aneurysma in der Hauptschlagader im Krankenhaus. | He was at the hospital with an aneurysm in the aorta. |

Please send me instructions on how to integrate the "Verb Conjugator" on our website. One problematic difference that I see when comparing the Verb Conjugator demo to the default verb pages.
Unfortunately, it is a natural and eternal phenomenon of human beings. Whereever people have been, it appeared too. Please let me define racism in my next email to you and please share also your thoughts.
We changed to another room which was slightly better and stayed there one night. The next day we moved to another room again before finally leaving for a better hotel. It was important to stay in a good place.
Unfortunately, it is a natural and eternal phenomenon of human beings. Whereever people have been, it appeared too. Please let me define racism in my next email to you and please share also your thoughts.
We changed to another room which was slightly better and stayed there one night. The next day we moved to another room again before finally leaving for a better hotel. It was important to stay in a good place.