German Dictionary

Translation of lackieren

lackieren to lacquer    

Translation by Vocabulix


neu lackieren to respray

Writing large essays has never been my favorite task although it is one of the most important when learning a language. Spanish, English and German are all entirely supported by Vocabulix.
The image width is ideal on all pages except on the front page. The image width there is almost double. Why? The introduction text could be on the left side, cause that is where people start reading.
About the accents: This is not a mistake, it is on purpose. Please note that in Spanish some words have accents when asked in a question (I.e que, porque, qui...). Pay attention to the question mark.
More dictionary words korrespondieren    kneifen    kanalisieren    interpretieren    immer    hintereinander    herausfordernd    göttlich    glasieren    geradewegs   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of lackieren
lackiere  lackierst  lackiert  lackieren  lackiert  lackieren  lackierte  lackiertest  lackierte  lackierten  lackiertet  lackierten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of lacquer   [ lacquered, lacquered ]