German Dictionary

Translation of liefern

liefern to supply    ; to yield    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Ihre Vereinbarung betraf die Menge der Hirse, die täglich geliefert werde sollte.

Their arrangement determined the amount of millet that was to be delivered daily.
Ich wünschte, Freundinnen würden mit Gebrauchsanweisungen geliefert, besonders Dana. I wish girlfriends came with manuals, especially Dana.
Der Rest der Ware wird morgen geliefert. The remainder of the goods will be delivered tomorrow.

Writing large essays has never been my favorite task although it is one of the most important when learning a language. Spanish, English and German are all entirely supported by Vocabulix.
Usually in a place with a homegenous society hatred towards foreigners can grow much more easy as a small disturbance to the homogenity may upset the entire society. People are not used to changes.
After a long sleep we ordered a cab which took us from the hotel to the airport. We were a little sad to leave. The flight over the South China Sea lasted two hours. We landed in Hong Kong's new airport.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of liefern
liefere  lieferst  liefert  liefern  liefert  liefern  lieferte  liefertest  lieferte  lieferten  liefertet  lieferten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of supply   [ supplied, supplied ]
Conjugation of yield   [ yielded, yielded ]