German Dictionary

Translation of löschen

löschen to extinguish    ; to delete    ; to erase    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Sie vereinten ihre Kräfte, um das Feuer in der Kirche zu löschen.

They united their powers to extinguish the fire at the church.
Ich würde gerne mein online Konto auf dieser Webseite löschen. I would like to delete the online account at this website.
löschen (Computer); streichen to delete
löschen, ausmachen to put out
löschen; ausmachen to put out

Writing large essays has never been my favorite task although it is one of the most important when learning a language. Spanish, English and German are all entirely supported by Vocabulix.
You may know that most young students fly South on spring break. You can imagine how the parties look like down there, and how many drugs are consumed during this vacation. I prefer the quietness.
The ferry took me to the island. Sitting next to me there was a local guy with two packs of beer, and he seemed pretty drunk for this hour of the day. He offered me some beer and I was polite.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of löschen
lösche  löschst  löscht  löschen  löscht  löschen  löschte  löschtest  löschte  löschten  löschtet  löschten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of delete   [ deleted, deleted ]
Conjugation of erase   [ erased, erased ]
Conjugation of extinguish   [ extinguished, extinguished ]