German Dictionary

Translation of erase in German

to erase     löschen

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The earthquake erased the entire neighborhood.

Das Erdbeben vernichtete die ganze Nachbarschaft.
erase auslöschen
to erase radieren
erase Radiergummi

Let us speak in the beginning of next week and arrange the exact schedule. I should get the first answer tomorrow or on Thursday evening. And by the way: Happy Birthday to your little cute daughter.
Wowww! The images are great. I think it is enough resolution and quality for the first stage. I will let you know in a few days. The profile does not allow large images anyway so this one is enough.
I packed my belongings and went looking for my friend. I informed her about the situation and we left the island together. On the ferry she told me about the different travel options that I would have.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of erase   [ erased, erased ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of löschen
lösche  löschst  löscht  löschen  löscht  löschen  löschte  löschtest  löschte  löschten  löschtet  löschten