German Dictionary

Translation of lucky in German

lucky     glücklich

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
This souvenir will help you relive the lucky moments.

Dieses Andenken soll dich die Glücksmomente wieder erleben lassen.
My sister loves to babysit, so I'm lucky. Ich habe Glück - meine Schwester babysittet gern.
They sell a lot of junk there but sometimes you get lucky. Sie verkaufen einen Haufen Ramsch dort, aber ab und zu hat man Glück.
we were lucky wir hatten Glück
you're lucky ihr habt Glück
I was lucky Ich hatte Glück
you're lucky Du hast Glück
happy-go-lucky unbekümmert
She's lucky. Sie hat Glück.
lucky charm Glücksbringer
lucky number glückszahl
Lucky you Du Glückspilz!

We spent the rest of our time, eating in good restaurants, shopping, walking around and going to bars at night. One night of these nights we went to eat dinner at the Palermo district.
The bus driver drove so quickly and with extremely dangerous maneuvers. We were so afraid and the other passengers started to scream at the driver which did not help the situation at all.
From there we took the bus to the main gate of the Machu Picchu ruins. Unfortunately we had to take the train back the same evening.
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