German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Der Marschall war zu Hause ebenso streng wie bei der Arbeit. |
The marshal was as strict at home as he was at work. |

It actually happened to my cousin's youngest kid. He was repeatedly warned not to smoke in the courtyard of the school. At the end he found himself expelled from the school. It could have been an interesting experience for him though.
Thank you for your answer. Your correction in Russian has helped me. I'm glad to have found a Russian Vocabulix friend with Russian as the mother tongue. I will help you in Spanish, OK?
First of all I like to visit different places - but I like national parks, beautiful landscapes and unspoilt places in any country. Pure nature. We live in Dusseldorf - in the north of Germany.
Thank you for your answer. Your correction in Russian has helped me. I'm glad to have found a Russian Vocabulix friend with Russian as the mother tongue. I will help you in Spanish, OK?
First of all I like to visit different places - but I like national parks, beautiful landscapes and unspoilt places in any country. Pure nature. We live in Dusseldorf - in the north of Germany.
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