German Dictionary

Translation of nachfragen

nachfragen to inquire    

Translation by Vocabulix


sich erkunden; nachfragen; konsultieren enquire
fordern; nachfragen to demand

So she and I went to the food store to buy some lunch. However, the store had almost no food and one could pay in local currency or in US dollars. One could really see the country's poor economy.
I'm so happy that you wrote to me and I miss you! We are doing great. We have settled in very fast. Luise is going to her kindergarden, Sofia to University and I'm going to work driving my car every day.
Luckily the town was small and the hotel manager could call all taxi stations. They checked it through their radios and an hour later the driver was back with our bags. He did not want to be paid extra, but I insisted.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of nachfragen
frage nach  fragst nach  fragt nach  fragen nach  fragt nach  fragen nach  fragte nach  fragtest nach  fragte nach  fragten nach  fragtet nach  fragten nach     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of inquire   [ inquired, inquired ]