German Dictionary

Translation of lieferbar

lieferbar deliverable    

Translation by Vocabulix


lieferbar, vorrätig; vorhanden, ausstatten; beliefern in stock
benutzbar; erhältlich, verfügbar,; lieferbar available
ab Lager lieferbar available ex stock; available from stock
lieferbar deliverable; available; consignable
Lieferant; lieferbar supplier; available
lieferbar available, on stock
lieferbar available in stock
nicht lieferbar out of stock
lieferbar sein come in

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Thanks a lot. My wife, daughter and I came back with a flu from the Swiss mountains, but now we are getting better. How are you? 'Vos' is only used in antique Spanish as 'usted', in the singular form of course.
Hi there again. I would love to visit you very much. I will keep that in mind for our next vacation... Your English is very good and I can't imaging that you have just learned it for two years.
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