German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Sie warfen Napalm auf Ainopua und verbrannten ihre schöne Haut. |
They threw napalm at Ainopua and burned her beautiful skin. |

Luckily it didn't happen to me, my kids really grew up with us all the time. And besides, they are not allowed do that, because they are monitored endlessly. If they don't attend class they could find themselves on the next train going home.
Spanish is very important and widespread. I want to improve my skills with the help of Vocabulix and its users. I'll be there looking for people and I hope that my new efforts will be helpful.
I am French and I am learning English. If you have questions about the French language I'll help you gladly. Get in touch. I had to go to the doctor and I was away for about an hour. Excuse me!
Spanish is very important and widespread. I want to improve my skills with the help of Vocabulix and its users. I'll be there looking for people and I hope that my new efforts will be helpful.
I am French and I am learning English. If you have questions about the French language I'll help you gladly. Get in touch. I had to go to the doctor and I was away for about an hour. Excuse me!
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