German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Voller Neid betrachtete Heinrich den neuen Anbau seines Nachbarn. |
With envy, Heinrich looked at his neighbor's new extension. |
Aus Neid zerstörte sie das schöne Kunstwerk ihrer Rivalin. | Out of envy she destroyed her rival's beautiful work of art. |
der Neid auf | jealousy of |

The entire American mass media is now focusing on this event after Monday night's Halloween disaster, in which two people were accused. Only nine others will participate in the coming season.
We all know that the consequences are awful. All are struggling, some kill eachother, mostly for really foolish reasons. They are not aware of it. Drugs should never be tolerated in any country.
We went to eat dinner with the Dutch couple in a Sea food restaurant highly recommended in our Lonely Planet Travel Guide Book. It was OK, but we had a great time with our friends.
We all know that the consequences are awful. All are struggling, some kill eachother, mostly for really foolish reasons. They are not aware of it. Drugs should never be tolerated in any country.
We went to eat dinner with the Dutch couple in a Sea food restaurant highly recommended in our Lonely Planet Travel Guide Book. It was OK, but we had a great time with our friends.
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English Verbs | ||||
Conjugation of envy [ envied, envied ] |