German Dictionary

Translation of envy in German

to envy     beneiden
the envy     der Neid

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Out of envy she destroyed her rival's beautiful work of art.

Aus Neid zerstörte sie das schöne Kunstwerk ihrer Rivalin.
With envy, Heinrich looked at his neighbor's new extension. Voller Neid betrachtete Heinrich den neuen Anbau seines Nachbarn.
envy beneiden; neidisch sein auf
with envy to be yellow, phrase
to envy for beneiden um
envy over jealous about
to envy jmd. beneiden

Our main destination was not Cambodia and we had actually decided in the last minute to add this country to our trip. We were very happy about our decision and enjoyed every moment here.
The architecture is much more interesting and beautiful than its sister in the South. The architecture was influenced by the French but also by the Chinese. The buildings are thin and tall.
We visited the Inca Ruins on the mountains near Pisac: A taxi took us to the top and we walked all the way back down to Pisac (which by the way is not an easy task on day 2 at this altitude)
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of envy   [ envied, envied ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of beneiden
beneide  beneidest  beneidet  beneiden  beneidet  beneiden  beneidete  beneidetest  beneidete  beneideten  beneidetet  beneideten