German Dictionary

Translation of neigen

neigen to incline    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Die jugendliche Seele neigt nicht gerade zu Gelassenheit.

The teenage soul is not exactly given to serenity.
Hamster neigen dazu, sich die Backen mit Futter vollzustopfen, um dieses dann für schlechte Tage aufzuheben. Hamsters tend to fill both their cheeks with food, in order to store it for bad days.
Er ist ein zu Unfällen neigender Lenker. He is an accident-prone driver.

This Thursday afternoon a group of twenty five belonging to the Language Institute of English will take a trip to the Canadian city Montreal, accompanied and well protected by the bodyguard Linda.
How could I get better in Spanish if I had to eat by myself. Impossible. The next days we always ate together and sat around the table for hours discussing politics and the lives we were living.
Now it shows the hand and when you stand on the image with the mouse you receive an indication as well: 'Spanish Club - Property in Spain'. If the issue is still not resolved, I will try something else.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of neigen
neige  neigst  neigt  neigen  neigt  neigen  neigte  neigtest  neigte  neigten  neigtet  neigten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of incline   [ inclined, inclined ]