German Dictionary

Translation of nivellieren

nivellieren to level    

Translation by Vocabulix


This website helped me learn French. Although most of the users intend to learn either Spanish, German and English some users come here to learn French. I met a few people that helped me with it.
No problem with the statement you sent me! They need to fill in some forms on the main page, which they will do tomorrow. Please send me all German lessons and guidelines for inserting the expressions.
About multiple translations: We want students to memorize 'idioma' and 'lengua' as they are both very common. The best we could do is to place them in 2 different lessons, so that users learn them both.
More dictionary words nahezu    monetär    mehrfach    loswerden    lautmalerisch    kribbelig    kommunikativ    keiner    irreparabel    inakzeptabel   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of nivellieren
nivelliere  nivellierst  nivelliert  nivellieren  nivelliert  nivellieren  nivellierte  nivelliertest  nivellierte  nivellierten  nivelliertet  nivellierten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of level   [ leveled, leveled ]